- Star Wars Edge Of The Empire Races
- Star Wars Rpg Edge Of The Empire Rpg Pdf
- Star Wars Rpg Edge Of The Empire Pdf
CaptainShack learns to GM a game of Edge of the Empire. A group of adventures try and survive the wastelands of Tatoonine. Welcome to the Rim. Star Wars: Edge of the Empire is a roleplaying game that captures the visionary essence of the Star Wars universe, while focusing on its grim and gritty corners. In control of a character exploring the Outer Rim, you'll do business in places where morality is gray and nothing is certain, living on the fringes of both the galaxy and its society.
Edge of the Empire Rulez! (1 of 2)
Edge of the Empire (and the whole Star Wars RPG line in general) is an excellent system. This week we’ll be explaining the basic rules – although they probably won’t be coming up again in the strips themselves, we just want people to get to know them. Look out for part 2, on Thursday.
We should note, we aren’t paid by FFG, not any more than JP is – in a funny coincidence, he just uploaded an explanation video this week, as an introduction to their new Roll Play series. We simply love the system, and we’re having a blast with its predecessor, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd ed.
For beginners – to the system, or even RP in general – we recommend the Edge of the Empire Beginner Game (affiliate link; currently hard to get, but should be available again soon). A great adventure, with everything included, and then some.
Read this story arc from the beginning: Gathering the Party
Star Wars: The Fringe
Careers and Specializations
Star Wars Edge Of The Empire Races
The Career is one of the most important things to a character, it allows for the character to understand who he is as both a person and a mechanically functional character. As Edge of the Empire describes: The Career is the heart of the character which the player chooses, it defines who they are, and who they will always be.
For example, Han Solo plays the pilot of the Millenium Falcon, one of the biggest heroes of the Rebellion, and is devious at heart when he kills Greedo. However, in the end, he will always be a Smuggler.
EotE Careers
The Bounty Hunter
The Colonist
The Explorer
The Hired Gun
The Smuggler
The Technician
Star Wars Rpg Edge Of The Empire Rpg Pdf
AoR Careers
The Ace
The Commander
The Diplomat
The Engineer
The Soldier
The Spy
Recruit Specialization
FnD Careers
The Consular
The Guardian
The Mystic
The Seeker
The Sentinel
The Warrior
Force and Destiny Specializations
Star Wars Rpg Edge Of The Empire Pdf
Getting Specializations
Paying for more specializations represent your character’s expansion of technique and progress. This being said, once you choose your permanent Career, from the Career you have your Specializations. The first specialization is free, however, for every other specialization afterward, it costs 20 XP for your second, then 30 XP for your third, then 40 XP for your fourth (if you decide you want to).
Free Skills
When you choose your Career, you are given a series of skills, you can pick four of them to upgrade to Rank 1 or 2 (depending on if you have a rank in it or not, and you cannot go past Rank 2). Then, you have your Specialization skills, you choose two skills from that list to increase a Rank (you still may not increase this past Rank 2), this only occurs with the first Specialization. Additional Specializations do not grant these free increases(although the additional Specializations do grant a character additional Career skills).
There is no experience point cost for the six free skills you get from your Career and Specialization, so choose your skills wisely.