Cooking Dash Tips

If you remember the original time management games of old, then you would remember Diner Dash. Well, Cooking Dash is like that, except you’re now the Gordon Ramsay of the kitchen, which should give you a hint of the chaos that can happen in this game. But don’t yell at your avatar just yet. Here are some tips to really conquer Cooking Dash 2016.

Cooking Dash 2016 is the latest installment in Glu’s popular franchise, and this is just a reminder as this game has been around for several months for iOS and Android devices. Since the game got an update just a few weeks ago, we’ve decided to give you more Cooking Dash 2016 tips and tricks. Prebake – The best thing to do at the beginning of a level is pre-make all the food you can before you start serving customers. Prepare some ice cream, middle counter items, and drinks ahead of time. The faster you can serve the customers, the more points you’ll get. Upgrades– As soon as you can afford a new upgrade, go ahead and buy one. The familiar gameplay will have you rushing back and forth across the kitchen, cooking food for VIPs and regular customers alike. Read on for some tips and tricks for Cooking Dash 2016! Our YouTube channel Game Hydro’s 1,000 Subscriber Giveaway Contest is on now! Click to watch, subscribe, and win! Gordon Ramsay DASH: Tips, Hints and Strategies Gameplay is almost identical to Cooking Dash 2016, but the action takes place in Chef Ramsay’s kitchen, where he will guide you to prepare the most delicious dishes and serve customers faster.There are several new features sprinkled here and there.

Take your time with the tip

When a customer leaves, they will leave a tip at their seat for you. As long as the tip is there, the next customers won’t be able to come in to take their seat. So if you’re really pressed for time and need an extra few seconds to set the kitchen in order, leave the tip at the seat to stall for time.

Better to keep the guests at bay than have them waiting at their seat.

Two at a time

Something that’s easy to forget, especially with a game as fast-paced as this, is that you only have two hands, and thus will only be able to pick up two things at any one time.

You may have seen waitresses with dishes lining their arms, but this isn’t one of those things that will happen in the game. So to keep yourself from trying to pick things up while your hands are full — thus breaking the flow of the game — be reasonable with your abilities. This applies to real life too, but we’re not going to go into that now.

Find a Rhythm

Each level has pretty much the same routine, if only with higher and harder-to-meet demands. But no matter what the level calls for, never lose the rhythm in your routine. Ingredients, prep, cook, customer, coffee — by finding a rhythm to your tasks, you’ll be able to move more efficiently and effectively, no matter what your style is.

And when you lose your beat, which you are bound to do, stall for time and get back into it.

Maximise ALL your resources

If you’re new to the time management genre, then heed these words. Make sure that you use everything that you have on hand. Maximise the resting spots to get food off the fire lest you burn them (which is a huge pain), upgrade your stove as soon as you can, get Flo moving as fast as she can, and your prep cook chopping with both hands.

Some levels will be near impossible to pass if you don’t have the right level tools, so if you’re ever stuck, think about investing in some new tech.

Another resource is time, which is the most valuable resource of all. If you ever find that you’re not doing anything in the game, then you’re doing something wrong.

Ask Grandma for help

When all else fails, ask Grandma for help.

While most of us will cringe at the idea of in-app purchases, Grandma may be the best in-app purchase you can get if you’re really into this game. All your ingredients will come prepped and she’ll always make sure that you’re stocked with food. The only problem is that you can’t just go into the store and buy Grandma whenever you want — but once you’re prompted, grab her quick, before she decides to take that retirement vacation in the Bahamas instead.

Watch your grocery levels

Groceries in this game basically determine how long you’re able to play for, but at first play, you probably won’t realise that. It’s the game’s way of getting you to spend money to continue playing, or connect to Facebook to send annoying game notifications to everyone.

If you’re not that kind of person, then be warned — once you run out of groceries, you’ll have to wait. That said, you should be able to last through season 1, no problem.

Take note of trophies

Another aspect of the game that you can work to your advantage is trophies, which you can win when you complete certain goals. Take note of which trophies you can win and what prizes you can get (money, groceries, gold), and work towards those when you’re short on resources. Each season has their own set of trophies to be won, and sometimes they even have daily trophies you can get, so keep an eye on that space.

By launching Gordon Ramsay DASH, Glu gets closer to creating a Hell’s Kitchen-like game. Gameplay is almost identical to Cooking Dash 2016, but the action takes place in Chef Ramsay’s kitchen, where he will guide you to prepare the most delicious dishes and serve customers faster.There are several new features sprinkled here and there.

You can watch the video below to know more about Gordon Ramsay Dash and its awesome features:

There’s a Chefs Duel mode, where you can challenge friends and prove you are the fastest chef in Ramsay’s kitchen; a Farm Market, where you can buy and sell ingredients from friends and A Prep Kitchen that lets you prepare sumptuous dishes for VIP customers.

The game’s unique “Frenzy Mode” will compel you to make dishes and serve customers faster only to see Chef Ramsay in action! Follow these quick tips, hints and strategies if you want to get more frenzy points, prepare food faster, earn coins and reach higher stars:

1. Dos and Don’ts When Filling the Frenzy Meter

Cooking Dash Tips

Filling the Frenzy meter will turn Gordon Ramsay into “SuperGordon”. When you tap him, he will serve everyone in the restaurant at lightning speed. You will need to earn Frenzy points to fill the meter.

Points can be earned by performing certain tasks such as swiping downwards to collect coins, picking and delivering multiple dishes. I know you are eager to know how to fill the meter faster, but before that you should know certain dos and don’ts:

If two customers order a food item and a cola, you can serve them colas first if it’s taking time to prepare food for them. This will not only increase their impatient meter (in case their meter is turning yellow or red), but also earn you a few frenzy points.

What you should you do is pick a cola and serve it to customer 1 and pick another cola to serve customer 2. This will trigger “Action Queue Bonus”. Alternatively, you can pick up two colas and serve both customers quickly to earn Frenzy points.

Throwing unwanted, burned items or items that you have mistakenly picked up into the dustbin will roll the meter back to zero, so make sure you don’t mess up with the orders or burn food, else your hard-earned points will go down the drain. Do note that ingredients or food thrown into the dustbin can also trigger a time penalty.


Actions that earn you Frenzy points may also earn you extra coins.

Swiping coins to collect them is one the easiest way to earn Frenzy points. When two or more customers eat, pay and leave, you just swipe downward to collect them and earn points.

However, things become difficult when one has paid and the other two are still eating, and this happens many times. In such situations you should tap to collect coins, because that seat won’t be occupied unless you have collected those coins.

You can make customers drink and eat faster if you want to earn quick frenzy points by swiping coins. To do this, go to the “Upgrades” section and tap the “Décor” tab. Select Counter and upgrade it.

If both customers have ordered the same dish, then you can easily serve them to get “Multi Serve Bonus”. Doing this, you will get more points and earn some bonus coins as well. Because the server uses both hands, he can easily pickup ingredients for two dishes of the same kind and serve them at once.

Make Sure you upgrade Grill, Grill Storage, Fryer and Fryer Storage, Chopped Storage to increase slots and storage capacity respectively so that your chef can cook faster and food does not get burnt. This way you will be to serve customers faster, get that occasional multi-pickup and multi-serve bonus and earn points.

Once you have unlocked Frenzy, you can begin playing Season 1 missions to earn frenzy points as well as bonus coins for actions like multi-serve, multi-pickups, action queue etc.

2. The Cola Trick

This trick was also mentioned in the Cooking Dash 2016 guide. When customers order both cola and a dish, and you can’t attend them for some reason, what you can do is quickly serve them colas. This will immediately raise the patience meter above your customers’ head in case they have turned yellow or red.

The meter shows how patient and happy your customer is and if it becomes empty, the customer will be angry and leave your restaurant. Try to make quick dishes that take less preparation time and serve them to those customers who have ordered them.

3. Turn off Sound If the Chef’s Voice Irritates You

Cooking Dash 2016 Tips

I prefer playing Gordon Ramsay Dash with the sound turned off. Chef Gordon keeps pestering to serve customers faster and may even scold you for not being quick.

If you get nervous easily and don’t want the voice chiding you constantly for your fumbles and mistakes, just go to “Settings” on the map screen and turn off Sound. This might help you focus on preparing dishes and serve customers faster. But if you want that Master Chef-like experience, then turn on Sound and enjoy playing this game as it is.

4. Upgrade Kitchen Appliances to Unlock More Slots, Increase Speed and Burn Time

Upgrading Grill will unlock an extra grill. Keep upgrading this appliance to make things cook faster and burn slower.

Upgrade Grill Storage to increase its capacity. Grilled ingredients will be immediately transferred to this storage and won’t burn. More slots unlocked would eventually mean faster cooking.

Upgrade Fryer to unlock another slot. Keep upgrading to increase burn time. Increased burn time won’t make food burn quickly. Don’t forget to upgrade Fryer Storage as well. This will increase its capacity and the fried items will be quickly transferred to the storage.

Upgrading the chopping block will make your partner chop potatoes and other ingredients faster. Also upgrade the chopped storage to open up more slots so that the veggies will be stored in them when the chef finishes chopping them.

Upgrade Cola Dispenser to get more than one cola. At level 2, it will earn extra coins for you.

Upgrading the Condiments, BLT, Chili and Cheese Topping Station will increase the speed of adding toppings to your food items.

Upgrade the Ice cream dispenser to make ice creams faster.

5. How to Earn More Coins and Get More Stars

In most levels, your goal will be to earn an X number of coins and get at least one star to advance to the next level. While performing certain actions like multi-serves etc. will get you some bonus coins, upgrading food is a sure-shot way to get more coins from customers.


Upgrading food boosts their quality. Better the quality of a foodstuff, more coins you will earn from each customer. This will also result in reaching high stars. Tap the tiny Shop icon in the Seasons screen. This icon is located at the bottom left corner of the screen. Now tap the second tab, below appliances. This is where you can upgrade food to improve their quality.

To earn more coins try to upgrade Beef, Turkey, Onion Rings and Potato. Save coins to upgrade them first. But don’t ignore toppings as well.

6. Upgrading Décor: Advantages

In Gordon Ramsay DASH, your culinary skills are of no use if the customer is impatient or eats slow. Thankfully, you can change your customer’s behavior by upgrading décor.

Tap the décor tab, which is located below the food tab in the upgrades section. Make sure you upgrade “Counter” first to get an eating speed boost. This will make customers eat, pay and leave faster. Upgrading the Art Sculpture will add an extra customer, whereas Carpet and Wall Art will increase customer patience when upgraded.

Additional Tips and Hints

1. You can play old season levels to earn extra coins. Don’t forget to perform actions to get “Multi Serve” and “Action Queue” bonuses.

Cooking Dash Tips Mappbox

2. The “Trophies” section provides a list of tasks that you can complete to get rewards. These could be anything from coins to gold bars, even supplies! Tap the Trophies icon at the top-left corner of the home screen to get a list of tasks.

3. At some point of time, you will be given an opportunity to prepare special recipes, delicious dishes for VIP customers. But for preparing them you will need food items that are not available in plenty. This is where the Farm Market may help you:

It gets unlocked at player Level 9 and it will let you purchase the finest ingredients from other human players. You can also sell any food items via the market. You also get toppings and other stuff from time to time after completing a Venue’s Season. A Season contains several episodes.

4. The “Bonus Offer” Usually appears when you lose an episode of a level. This offer may grant rewards like coins or supplies but for that you will have to watch a short advert to get them.

Cooking Dash Tips And Cheats

5. Complete Season 3 to Unlock Expert Mode. As the name suggests, it’s a challenger of sorts, and completing it won’t be easy at all. In Expert Mode, two more stars are unlocked and if you reach them, you will earn extra rewards.

Cooking Dash Tips 2018