Best Roll Redrix Broadsword

A Curated Roll – 10 Level Masterwork Redrix’s Broadsword; Redrix’s Broadsword will start to drop from Crucible with Random Rolls! A Curated Roll – 10 Level Masterwork Wishbringer; Various Legendary Crucible Gear and Weapons as a post-matches drop; Crucible emblem – True Valor; Crucible emblem – Redrix’s Preferred.

  1. God Roll Redrix Broadsword Pvp
  2. Redrix Broadsword Best Roll
  3. Redrix Broadsword God Roll

Destiny 2 may well be one the most popular games in the past 5 years or more. That being said I’ll yet again be bringing you more information about a certain type of weapon. The Pulse Rifle. Just like every weapon type, they too have their own set of Exotics that people tend to go nuts over and look for them as soon as possible. Now, personally one of the Exotic Pulse Rifles (that’ll be on the list); the Vigilance Wing is my favorite. Pulse Rifles can be tried and true whether you know how to manage the recoil between the burst shots or can aim halfway decently. So without further delay, let’s get through the list!

10. Go Figure

First up is the Legendaries of the Pulse Rifles and just like any other list we do I like to start at the bottom of the totem pole, so I’m starting with the Pulse Rifle; Go Figure. This rifle is one of the only Aggressive Burst Fire Pulse Rifles so far (or at least that I’m aware of), besides the Right Side of Wrong which we’ll get to next. Aggressive Burst Fire Pulse Rifles give you a 4-burst shot instead of your normal 3-burst rifles, which obviously has it’s advantages because with the right rolls it can be a phenomenal gun.

  • Just the Redrix's Broadsword and only this gun, not the claymore. I'm getting tired of using the same old rolls. Losing one of those is losing both and redrix is the best high impact because of desperado. The god roll is polygonal rifling and flared magwell (obviously mw stability).
  • I can’t count the amount of Simulator Arms, Insight Vikti Robes, 48-stat roll helmets, etc. That I have gotten. Primes have now turned into a quick insta-shard to make room for the X’ed out Legendary engram I cant pick up because I have 9 Umbrals, and a Prime and can’t get my world drop legendary that always turns into a Hipfire Grip/Surrounded Escape Velocity when I claim it at the.
  • Buy Redrix Broadsword god roll now to drop from Crucible with random roll, except Outlaw/Desperado combo. So we will be able to get the perfect roll – Ricochet Rounds and Extended Barrel with Range masterwork. In that way, Redrix will become the ultimate weapon of death.
  • We will farm the chosen quest steps to get Redrix's Broadsword Pulse Rifle for you. You should choose as many Valor resets as you need to complete the quest. Once you get the Redrix's Broadsword it will start to drop from Crucible with random roll, except Outlaw/Desperado combo.

However, its TTK isn’t the greatest (Time To Kill) and if you want an efficient kill shot ratio you’ll need almost every shot you hit to be a Crit Hit. Yet it’s been known to be a “very forgiving TTK”, said by a few players, much like the Adaptive Frame type Pulse Rifles which pretty much puts it in a good category in my honest opinion.

Now, we’re not really worried about looks, generally. With the many color shaders, you can make your weapons the colors that suit you so we’re looking at it’s performance and stats. Which is why it’s become a decently popular gun in PvP until you get the gun you really want.

That’s also why it’s on here; because out of the Legendary Pulse Rifles it’s one of the most commonly used because it’s decent enough to use until you get the gun you desire and finding it is all too easy. Just sift through some random drops of Legendary Engrams to get it. Overall, I can honestly recommend this gun to be used if you’ve managed to get a God Roll.

9. Right Side of Wrong

Along with Go Figure, this rifle is also an Aggressive Burst Fire Pulse Rifle, the Legendary rifle; Right Side of Wrong. Much like Go Figure, performance wise it’s pretty much the same so you might be asking “What else is there to add then?” and that’s a good question.

Even though these two are really good to use they tend to be a little difficult to handle and I’ll explain why. Since it has that extra shot it makes the aiming and recoil a bit tricky so instead of focusing primarily on those big perks like Rampage; these need the ones that focus more on stability and handling. I’d also recommend using this rifle if you can get your hands on a good roll, by going through the Tangled Shore and doing activities there of course!

8. Blast Furnace

Eighth and next up in the Legendary Pulse Rifles is the also the third and final Aggressive Burst Fire Pulse in the game currently; it’s the Blast Furnace and let me tell you, the video reviews and PvP gameplay that I’ve seen where someone uses it? Hot damn it can be one of the best Pulse Rifles that causes some carnage in Crucible. The overall stats on Blast Furnace are good, but I’ve noticed that it tends to focus on the Range and Stability stats; so if you want the best usage for it you’ll want the first two perks (the sights excluded) to focus on that.

Perks like Steady Rounds and most importantly Zen Moment, Zen Moment is a must since the more damage you do the more stability you get and allows you to put better effort into your kills. Those plus whatever mainliner perk you want as the final? Whew, you’ll be kicking ass in Crucible! Since this gun comes from the Black Armory DLC, the only way to get it is by doing the Izanagi Furnace quest, if you want it bad enough; go get it!

7. Nightshade

Coming at us at number seven is a pretty controversial Legendary Pulse Rifle, the Nightshade. Its controversy isn’t a bad thing, not at all, it’s just quite difficult to decide its place amongst the other Pulse Rifles, because it’s arguably one of the best (all of these can be argued as such, given that they have the best possible roles). This rifle is a lightweight frame Pulse Rifle, and it’s default stats aren’t lacking whatsoever.

Unfortunately when dealing with lightweight frame rifles, they lack in the Range stat so you’re going need Rangefinder to help compensate in it’s Range. After that one, you get the other perks right you’ll have yourself a very powerful Pulse Rifle with some pretty decent TTK.

This one is a year 2 version of Nightshade mind you and apparently became available in the Black Armory DLC once it dropped. If you want one of the arguably best Pulse Rifles go do the Black Armory quest “Danger After Dark” that you get from Zavala.

6. Redrix’s Broadsword

At the halfway mark we’ll be talking about a seemingly very popular Legendary High Impact Pulse Rifle, its popularity apparently is from a certain perk/trait combo and it’s Redrix’s Broadsword. Some of you might recognize the name and that’s because this is the year 2 version of Redrix’s Claymore, being revamped for better PvP purposes. The perk/trait combo I mentioned that made this gun so popular is the Outlaw/Desperado combo and it packs quite a punch. Not because it adds damage, but it makes it’s TTK (for those that forgot that is Time To Kill) that much faster!

The combo adds better reload time and greater fire rate which in my opinion are arguably the better stats on guns (obviously damage too, duh) in Destiny 2, especially when in PvP. This coupled with good stability perks (or mods that’s a given) will make you quite a force to be reckoned with. The only way to get this puppy is through quite a long series of steps through PvP.

5. Bygones

Ok guys, some of the stuff I’ve seen about this is just wrong!

Dear Lord, it just absolutely wrecked people with how it was setup and I’m talking about the Pulse Rifle Bygones. Bygones is an Adaptive Frame Pulse Rifle and it comes with a decent amount Range so it’s not pressing to try to get perks that focus solely on that. Because like I said, its default Range stat is good plus some players like going for better Stability and Handling. Besides, Kill Clip with Outlaw is what’s making this gun a down right monster!

All that aside, this gun is just too much because man, I can practically hear the whiners yelling from here saying “Tone it down! It takes no skill! I die too fast!” and they’re not wrong. You kill so fast it looks like hacking. You want it? Then drop into Gambit and get to working.

4. Claws of the Wolf

The last of the Legendary Pulse Rifles is Claws of the Wolf, which I’m told is the year 2 version of Clever Dragon? I’m not 100% sure, but what I am sure is that this could very well be the better one the Legendaries. It’s already got good Range like the last few, so again like some of the others, Stability is what’ll help you here instead of worrying about adding more Range.

Alas, what I’ve seen a few people add is the Full Auto perk, that way you don’t have to worry about constantly pulling the trigger and coupled with the perks/mods that help managed the recoil you’ll be just great with it. This weapon is only available during Iron Banner by ranking up and completing Iron Banner matches.

3. Graviton Lance

Starting the Exotics in our list and in our Top 3 is Graviton Lance, a quirky 2-burst shot Pulse Rifle. That’s right I said it, it’s a 2-burst shot and that’s because it has two perks that gives it some pretty good AoE damage in PvP and PvE. Black Hole and Cosmology are the two perks that make this gun really fun to use, Black Hole allows you to rip a hole in spacetime on the second shot for high damage. While Cosmology turns enemies bodies into void grenades (upon death) that track nearby enemies.

Although these are two very big pluses in the perk area, there’s some negativity with the gun. Like for instance the Crit Hit shots, you pretty much have to hit every one of them if you want to get those kills. Graviton Lance can be obtained from one of four different ways; you can try to get it from Xur, an Exotic Engram, a Luminous Engram from a weekly Milestone or as a reward choice from the Sacrilege mission.

2. Vigilance Wing

Second of the Exotics in our list today is Vigilance Wing!

That’s right, the Egyptian master piece..ok so I’m a little biased when it comes to this gun. Fine, very biased…I can’t help it, just like a lot of other people it was and still is my go to weapon in PvP. Having a 5-burst shot instead of your standard 3-burst or 4-burst shot, made this Exotic Pulse Rifle quite the contender!

Especially when the perk Harsh Truths that allows you to 5-burst shot also gives you faster healing regeneration when a nearby ally dies, now tell me that doesn’t help. Face it, it was made for PvP guys and if you still haven’t gotten it (you must be very behind) then go through Trials of Osiris already!

1. Outbreak Perfected

Last of the Exotics of todays list, but most certainly not the least is by far the most popular and best Pulse Rifle to date; the Outbreak Perfected. I cannot express how nasty this gun is PvE and PvP!

It has two major perks that compliment each other so well it’s just unfair for adds and bosses alike due to the fact that you can burn through Calus like he’s nothing in no time. These perks are The Corruption Spreads, which creates SIVA nanites that spread out and cause damage upon all precision and rapid shots. And the other is Parasitism, it allows the weapon to do more damage based on the amount of SIVA nanites attached to them. Now tell me you don’t want this gun after hearing all this. Luckily you can by starting the adventure called The Bad Neighbors!

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Best Roll Redrix Broadsword

Both Destiny and Destiny 2 have been staples of gaming in recent years. In large part from their immersive universes and stunning atmospheric visuals.

Destiny 2’s move to a free-to-play scheme has made it even more relevant by bringing lots of new players into the fold. Which isn’t surprising considering just how fun a PVE raid can be, and how intense Crucible matches can get.

Considering a good chunk of this class-based shooter is focused entirely on grinding for better weapons and finding the very best equipment you can, it’s important to know which guns are worth snagging.

So let’s take a look at some of the better Pulse Rifles in the game, for those of you who like precise weaponry in your battles.

20. Adhortative

How to get: The Adhortative used to be obtained from a quest involving Ikora Rey and the Vex Offensive during the Season of the Undying.

This Legendary Pulse Rifle is a bit of an obscure weapon.

Which is a bit surprising considering how much it can help you slay in the Crucible.

Among other things, this Solar-damaging rifle shines for its stability and minuscule recoil thanks to its Adaptative Frame.

The ideal roll will have the Multikill Clip trait, which empowers the gun each time you reload based on how many enemies you downed with that clip. And Feeding Frenzy, which increases reload speed.

19. Horror’s Least

How to get: Get this from the Nightfall version of The Corrupted, a strike in the Dreaming City.

Another great Legendary weapon is this Arc-damaging beast.

Its Rapid-Fire Frame gives it deeper mags, and it’ll reload a bit faster if you reload once your mags are empty too.

Considering it fires a massive 540 rounds per minute, getting a trait like Extended Mags to further expand ammo reserves seems like a good idea.

Other than that, this dark horse of PVP weapons benefits a lot from stability-increasing traits like the Smallbore barrel, and Zen Moment is a must on console.

18. Go Figure

How to get: The Go Figure is a random world drop from any Legendary Engram.

Almost everyone has at least one of these lying around, most likely with a nice roll!

The Go Figure gets slept on by a lot of players due to its ubiquity.

But this Legendary Kinetic rifle is a shredder thanks to its great stats and aggressive archetype.

Like many Pulse Rifles, this strap benefits quite a lot from the Kill Clip trait. Another great option would be Rampage, which briefly grants increased damage after a kill, making this four-round-burst rifle a real threat in the Crucible.

17. Right Side of Wrong

How to get: Earn this strangely-named weapon by farming it in Ancient’s Haunt on Nessus, or the Ma’adim Subterrane on Mars.

Looking gorgeous in its default red color scheme, this Legendary Solar rifle can be devastating in the Crucible if you get the right roll.

If you’re a precise shooter, an Outlaw/Kill Clip combo can go a long way to keep your damage ramping up fast with each kill.

I’d greatly recommend that you give this weapon a try in PVP. But it can also be a nice option in raids with a lot of minor enemies to kill.

16. Bayesian MSu

How to get: As a Rare weapon, the Bayesian MSu can be found in any Encrypted Engram.

It may come as a surprise to find such a common rifle in the ranking.

But this Rare Kinetic weapon deserves credit for being the best rare Pulse Rifle.

Thanks to its stable Adaptive Frame, this weapon can make use of its Full-Auto Trigger System to great effect. It’s especially viable if you get it with the Red Dot ORS1 scope, which greatly increases its effective range, and makes it even easier to handle.

15. Nightshade

How to get: Earn this by turning in Vanguard Tactician Tokens to Commander Zavala and ranking up.

This Legendary Kinetic weapon has a Lightweight Frame that grants superb handling.

And you’ll move faster with it equipped, in contrast to other pulse rifles.

While this weapon can easily melt through enemies with the classic Outlaw/Kill Clip trait combo, anything providing additional range is key for the Nightshade to truly shine.

14. Outlast

How to get: The Outlast can be acquired by completing bounties in Gambit Prime, or by clearing Tier 3 of The Reckoning and defeating the Likeness of Oryx.

This Legendary Solar weapon was introduced in the Season of the Drifter and has been noticed by some proficient Guardians thanks to its excellent performance in PVP.

Thanks to its Rapid-Fire Frame, you don’t have to worry about running out of bullets while trying to bring down an opponent’s orange shield.

It also makes a great combination with both Kill Clip and Feeding Frenzy. But a roll with either Rampage or Full-Auto Trigger System is fine too.

13. Jian 7 Rifle

How to get: The Jian 7 Rifle is currently a world drop, so you can get it from any Legendary Engram.

This amazing legendary arc rifle isn’t talked about as much, since it only became viable in recent seasons.

Its Adaptive Frame makes it stable enough, so focus on getting traits like the Full-Auto Trigger System that benefit from other features.

The Jian 7 Rifle also has access to the SRO-52 Ocular scope which greatly increases range and makes it terrifying at long distances.

Plus it’s got a modern psychedelic-looking design. Quite rad.

12. Redrix’s Broadsword

How to get: Redrix’s Broadsword can be earned from Crucible Engrams and rank-up packages from Lord Shaxx.

Not every Guardian knows of this Legendary Kinetic weapon’s great destructive potential.

A consequence of its high-impact frame which trades firing rate for damage. However, others swear by it.

Some even call it the best pulse rifle available for PVP today.

This is mainly due to Desperado, which increases your rate of fire whenever you reload your weapon with Outlaw active.

If you’re skilled enough then you can keep your rate of fire ramping up and turn Redrix’s Broadsword into a hyper-destructive laser. Crazy stuff.

Redrix broadsword stats

11. Chattering Bone

How to get: Get this from encounters in the Last Wish Raid, which takes place in the Dreaming City.

The Chattering Bone used to be a very popular rifle. And it remains an amazing choice if you have it today.

Not only does its organic design look amazing, but it can pack a punch with Outlaw and either Rampage or Kill Clip.

It has superb handling by default thanks in part to its lightweight frame, so a trait like Extended Barrel that increases range and reduces recoil at the cost of handling can be great.

10. Claws of the Wolf

How to get: This incredible rifle can be found in Iron Engrams from the Iron Banner Crucible event.

Claws of the Wolf is the first energy rifle on our list that deals Void damage, downing purple shields in seconds.

It’s an exceptional gun in mid-range firefights thanks to its insane 540 rpm.

But you’ll have to watch out for reload times given it eats ammo fast.

9. Bad Juju

How to get: Getting this weapon isn’t easy, as it requires you to complete a bunch of activities in the Tribute Hall to please the Visage of Calus. Once everything is done you’ll find the Bad Juju in a chest in the middle of the hall.

Returning from the first Destiny, this Exotic Kinetic Pulse Rifle is a force to be reckoned with.

Especially in PVE thanks to its String of Curses ability.

With this equipped, kills refill your magazine and your damage is increased briefly. It’ got some bad juju for anyone on the opposing side of this thing.

8. Premonition

How to get: This drops from encounters in the Pit of Heresy on the Moon. It can also be found in Dreambane Engrams from the Lectern of Enchantment.

Like all non-Exotic weapons, this Legendary Void weapon depends on the right rolls to be any good in battle.

Ideally you want to roll Kill Clip and Outlaw (no surprises there), but Rangefinder would also go a long way towards maxing range – which makes sense on such a slow-firing, high-impact weapon.

7. Sacred Provenance

How to get: Acquire this as a drop from the Garden of Salvation raid bosses, within the Black Garden.

The Sacred Provenance is an aggressive gun with a hard-hitting four-round burst, which goes very well together with some great range and relatively fast rate of fire.

Couple this with the tried and true combo of Outlaw and Kill Clip and you’ll be unstoppable.

As long as you can keep the precision kills coming.

Ricochet Rounds for increased range and stability wouldn’t hurt either.

6. Last Perdition

How to get: Get the ominously-named Last Perdition from Crucible Engrams, obtained by completing different activities in the Crucible.

While anything with Kill Clip and Outlaw is always a great roll, this Legendary Void rifle can be employed in a great variety of ways.

Its Adaptive Frame gives it a good grip, so it’s pretty stable and easy to handle. Perfect for precise shooting.

This can be greatly complemented by the SPO-57 Front Scope as well, which significantly increases range.

5. Graviton Lance

How to get: This menacing Exotic Pulse Rifle is a random drop from Exotic Engrams. It can also be bought from Xûr on certain weeks.

Like most other Exotics, the Graviton Lance shines because of its unique traits, Black Hole and Cosmology.

God Roll Redrix Broadsword Pvp

Black Hole makes the second shot of each burst much stronger and prevents lost damage from firing at long range.

Coupled with insane stability, this weapon will let you pick off enemies at great distances with ease.

On the other hand, Cosmology makes enemies burst into target-seeking void-damage projectiles upon death. Which is especially useful in PVE where crowd control is needed.

Definitely look into this one if you get the chance.

4. Vigilance Wing

How to get: The Vigilance Wing Pulse Rifle is an extremely rare drop from Exotic Engrams, but can also be bought from Xûr from time to time.

This powerful Kinetic weapon with an Egyptian look fires in five-round bursts due to its Harsh Truths ability, so you’ll only need to press the trigger once or twice to down most enemies as long as you’re precise.

This trait also provides health regeneration and speed if an ally dies nearby. Which is a nice bonus.

Furthermore, if all allies die and you’re the last standing member of your fireteam, your weapon will become considerably more powerful.

Vigilance indeed.

3. Outbreak Perfected

How to get: For this futuristic pulse rifle you’ll need to go through a relatively long quest which begins by scanning the Fallen Device in Tidal Anchor, on Titan.

While it does have some really solid stats, what takes this Exotic Kinetic weapon to the next level are its traits: The Corruption Spreads and Parasitism.

The former generates SIVA nanite swarms whenever you get rapid hits or precision kills.

These swarms will damage your opponents and seek out new ones once the target dies.

This is pretty good by itself, but it doesn’t end there.

Best Roll Redrix Broadsword

These swarms actually stack, even if they’re created by different members of your team. And thanks to Parasitism, the Outbreak Perfected will deal increased damage to enemies swarmed by nanites.

The more stacks, the more they suffer.

This weapon is unparalleled in PVE.

2. Bygones

How to get: This Legendary Kinetic weapon can be snagged by playing Gambit matches or completing Drifter bounties.

The Bygones is one of the most popular and powerful guns in the game, despite looking like a pretty default rifle.

This has a lot to do with the fact that it can be farmed with relative ease. Letting you fish for just the right roll also means it’s easy to power up… and it’ll most likely include Kill Clip and Outlaw.

If you’re not as good at precision kills then go for Rampage and Full-Auto Trigger System, which can also be devastating.

1. Blast Furnace

How to get: The Blast Furnace is acquired by bringing a Powerful Pulse Frame from Ada-1 and some other items to the Izanami Forge and clearing it.

This Legendary Kinetic gun is widely accepted as the most savage pulse rifle in the entire game.

Thanks in no small part to its aggressive four-round burst and incredible range.

It also has access to Feeding Frenzy which makes reloading faster after kills. This goes well with Kill Clip and Rampage, which as we know, are amazing traits on any weapon. But especially on your Blast Furnace.

The Rasmussen ISA Scope is also a great trait for some extra range and amazing handling.

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