Financial Martial Law Ron Paul

Financial Martial Law In Progress! Prepare Yourself! Undeniable Proof! Quote, “history has shown us that when the government needs to save itself it won’t hesitate to STEAL your money” I follow a lot of alternative financial experts like Dr. Jim Willie, Peter Schiff, Jim Rickards, Dave at X22 Report, Gregory Mannarino, Greg Hunter, and many others. Hello, th is is the no face movement and in this video Ron Paul explains financial martial law and are economy that is about to collapse. Pleased like share. The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a special project of the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a non-profit established by Ron Paul in 1976.

Ron Paul fears that the United States is turning into an Orwellian police state. Yet the obstetrician-turned-politician has an idyllic life in Texas, where he gardens and rides bikes. A Note From Nick Giambruno: I consider “Financial Martial Law” a must-read. In this timely article, which I’m sharing below, my friend and colleague Chris Lowe warns that banks have become arms of the US government. This means terrifying things for your savings. When I read this article, I knew I had to pass it along to International Man readers.

In the article: “Ron Paul: Undeniable Proof Martial Law Is Coming Because of the Economy (Video)” the writer says: “According to Dr. Paul’s experience, as a matter of policy, the government has concluded that preventing the collapse of the U.S. Dollar is worth more than any one individual person’s rights. If the government has to, Dr. Paul says that it has in the past, and it will in the future, attempt to prevent a collapse by raiding the IRA’s of private citizens, and stealing their money. Many people don’t think the government could or would be able to do this legally, but they have done it before, and will do it again if necessary. The problem today, is that people are grossly uninformed, and have no idea that it has been done before.”

Congressman Ron Paul warns that our money has been manipulated, the system is a wreck, the dollar – and all assets related to it – could collapse – and “The government could soon enact what I call financial martial law.”

By enacting laws that may seem unconstitutional, the government will confiscate anything they want in a last-ditch effort to save the economy “for the greater good.” IRA accounts, pensions, bank accounts – all will be seized to prop up the failing system. Ron Paul says that the government won’t hesitate to steal your money and Federal Reserve leaders have told him this is likely in the event of a financial collapse. All it will take is a loss of faith in the US dollar and government. The world has had faith in dollars and US Treasuries as the safest store of wealth for decades. When that ends, and entire blocks of nations start putting their money in better alternatives, it will be as if thousands of people you had written checks to over many years suddenly start cashing those checks at a time when you don’t have enough money in your account. Dollars will become worthless when people realize they are just a paper promise backed by a government no one has faith in anymore. Many wealthy investors will die penniless, many retirees will have no savings, many employees will lose their jobs, and social chaos that follows will lead to martial law and dictatorship. The only difference between what Ron Paul is saying and what I wrote about in Antichrist 2016-2019 is that I think the evidence points to God having written the playbook on end times events, whereas Ron Paul suggests that a greedy elite has written out the planned series of events to consolidate total power. Either way, the screenplay has been written, the actors are on the stage, we know how this will end.

Today, millions of Americans say that they believe that the United States is on the verge of a major economic collapse and will soon be entering another big stock market crash and Great Depression. But only a small percentage of those same people are prepared for that to happen. The sad truth is that the vast majority of Americans would last little more than a month on what they have stored up in their homes. Most of us are so used to running out to the supermarket or to Wall-Mart for whatever we need that we never even stop to consider what would happen if suddenly we were not able to do that when the economic collapse happen.

Experts predict that the stock market crash will happen in this year and the economic collapse 2020 is inevitable. When the economic collapse and stock market crash occurs, it will happen quickly. No one will predict it. That’s because the signs of the economic collapse are difficult to see.

Dr. Paul talks about the coming dollar crash and how it will happen. There is no escaping the fact that all fiat currencies throughout history have reverted to zero eventually. While the fundamentals are off the table due to the level of manipulation in the monetary system as well as in the markets and one cannot put a date on the coming crash, we know it has to happen. It’s inevitable. As we reach a potential yield curve inversion, this will not end well.

Will we see a global centrally planned cashless society? Dr. Paul says it’s a desperation move to attempt to implement such an agenda, but that it’s not likely to actually succeed. All the same the potential is a major problem and something individuals must understand.

From that, Dr. Paul talks about the insolvent banking system and how the cash to deposit ratio among the banks show that the banks must fail. Many of the major banks have a ratio of less than 1% of deposits covered in cash. They never recovered following 2008 and have been essentially propped up, only getting worse as they’re further centralized into temporary prosperity.

The everything bubble is also a major issue on the coming timeline. We have a pension bubble that could see a 400 trillion dollar shortfall globally by the year 2050. That’s more than 4 times the global yearly GDP. Can it sustain itself? Certainly not. Dr. Paul talks about the countless problems with the pension system and with that the utter dependency so much of the populace has on government. Is there a concerted effort to push the populace into complete dependency to the state and banking system? Absolutely says Dr. Paul. That’s the point!

The next great economic crisis is rapidly approaching, and most people are going to be totally blindsided by it. Even though the warning signs are glaringly obvious, most Americans continue to believe that our “leaders” know what they are doing and that everything will be just fine.

But what will happen when the next great financial crash happens and trillions of dollars of “paper wealth” disappear into thin air? What will happen when the coming credit crunch causes economic activity to dramatically slow down and millions upon millions of people lose their jobs? This shouldn’t sound far-fetched to you. Remember, this is exactly the kind of thing that we saw back in 2008, and the next great financial crisis is likely going to be significantly worse. Our economy is in far worse shape than it was back in 2008, and government dependence is now at an all-time high even though most Americans are still enjoying debt-fueled false prosperity.

We are living in the largest debt bubble in the history of the planet, and when it bursts we are going to experience a crippling “adjustment” to our standard of loving. Some people understand this and are busy preparing for what is ahead. Unfortunately, most Americans are not preparing for the coming economic depression and they are going to bitterly regret it.

Proof They Will Start Dollar Collapse & Martial Law

What is martial law?If you’re looking for a definition, then Martial Law basically means using state or national force to enforce the will of the government on the people. It basically allows the government, or a tyrannical politician, to shred the and impose its will through force.

History of of America“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

The U.S. dollar replaced the British Pound Sterling as the world’s reserve currency around 1945. It occurred for a number of reasons. The U.S. economy was the global leader in manufacturing and held the majority of the world’s gold. According to sources I’ve read, the dollar was the only currency still backed by gold (there was a downside to this). Of course they would love to explain that these specialist’s expertise would be used in other regions of the planet, and as you all know, the isn’t allowed to operate in the United States. If this is the case, then why the sudden need to recruit so many more?

As you’ll soon see, just about anything could lead to a state of Martial Law. In today’s environment, it won’t take much. In a previous post titled, Obama Warns: Be Ready For EMP Attacks, martial law dollar update,Engineered Pandemics, Massive.

Obama took time out of his extremely busy schedule to deliver an address at the FEMA where he made a point to stress that Americans who are not preparing for, or who do not have plans for any given scenario, could find themselves in big trouble in the near future.”One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared . And that means taking proactive steps, like having an plan, having a fully stocked supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.”

#1 An Emergency Fund

Do you remember what happened when the financial system almost collapsed back in 2008? Millions of Americans suddenly lost their jobs, and because many of them were living paycheck to paycheck, many of them also got behind on their mortgages and lost their homes. You don’t want to lose everything that you have worked for during this next major economic downturn. It is imperative that you have an emergency fund. It should be enough to cover all of your expenses for at least six months, but I would encourage you to have an emergency fund that is even larger than that.

#2 Don’t Put All Of Your Eggs Into One Basket

If the wealth confiscation in Cyprus has taught us anything, it is that we should not put all of our eggs in one basket. If all of your money is in one single bank account, it would be easy to wipe out. But if you have your money scattered around a number of different places it will give you a little bit more security.

#3 Keep Some Cash At Home

This goes along with the previous point. While it is not wise to keep all of your money at home, you do want to keep some cash on hand. If there is an extended bank holiday or if a giant burst from the sun causes the ATM machines to go down, you want to be able to have enough cash to buy the things that your family needs. Just ask the people of Cyprus how crippling a bank holiday can be. One way to keep your cash secure at home is by storing it in a concealed safe.

#4 Get Out Of Debt

A lot of people seem to assume that an economic collapse would wipe out all debts, but that will probably not be the case. In fact, if you are in a tremendous amount of debt you will be very vulnerable if the economy collapses and you are not able to find a job. Just ask the people who were overextended and lost their jobs during the last recession. So please get out of debt. Many debt collectors are becoming increasingly ruthless. In many areas of the country they are now routinely putting debtors into prison. You do not want to be a slave to debt when the next wave of the economic collapse strikes.

#5 Gold And Silver

In the long-term, the U.S. dollar is going to lose a tremendous amount of value and inflation is going to absolutely skyrocket. That is one reason why so many people are investing very heavily in gold, silver and other precious metals. All over the globe, the central banks of the world are recklessly printing money. Everyone knows that this is going to end very badly. In fact, there is already a push in more than a dozen U.S. states to allow gold and silver coins to be used as legal tender. Someday you will be glad that you invested in gold and silver now while their prices were still low.

#6 Reduce Your Expenses

A lot of people claim that they can’t put any money toward prepping, but the truth is that we all have room to reduce our expenses. We all spend money on things that we do not really need. Those that are “lean and mean” will tend to do much better during the times that are coming.

#7 Start A Side Business

If you do not have much money, a great way to increase your income is by starting a side business. And it does not take a lot of money – there are many side businesses that you can start for next to nothing. And starting a side business will allow you to become less dependent on your job. In this economic environment, a job could disappear at literally any time.

#8 Move Away From The Big Cities If Possible

For many people, this is simply not possible. Many Americans are still completely and totally dependent on their jobs. But if you are able, now is a good time to move away from the big cities. When the next major economic downturn strikes, there will be rioting and a dramatic rise in crime in the major cities. If you are able to move to a more rural area you will probably be in much better shape.

* A “Recommended Reading” list guides you to more great ideas from the past.

#9 Store Food

Global food reserves have reached their lowest level in nearly 40 years. As the economy gets even worse and global weather patterns become even more unstable, the price of food will go much higher and global food supplies will become much tighter. In the long run, you will be glad for the money that you put into long-term food storage now.

#10 Learn To Grow Your Own Food

This is a skill that most Americans possessed in the past, but that most Americans today have forgotten. Growing your own food is a way to become more independent of the system, and it is a way to get prepared for what is ahead.

Financial Martial Law Ron Paul

Homesteading isthe only (legal) way I know of to become almost completely self-reliant fromthe food corporations, the utilities companies, the Government and Big Pharma…by harvesting hundreds upon hundreds of dolars of organic food year-round, andcollecting thousands of gallons of crystal-clear drinking water for free…

To take back your health by growing your own groceries, and making your own food out of basic ingredients, such as cheese, bread and even chocolate to name a few…

Then you could stockpile the excess produce for dark days… (The shelf life of ingredients is longer than that of the resulting foods, anyway…) So while other preppers pay thousands for overpriced, highly-processed “emergency food”, you’ll build your survival stockpile for free…

It’ll be like having your own personal supermarket just a few feet away from you… Though not the kind that sells processed meat full of hormones and steroids, veggies full of pesticides that have absolutely no taste at all, not to mention and all the other junk full of preservatives…

#11 Nobody Can Survive Without Water

Without water, you would not even make it a few days in an emergency situation. It is imperative that you have a plan to provide clean drinking water for your family when disaster strikes.

#12 Have A Plan For When The Grid Goes Down

What would you do if the grid went down and you suddenly did not have power for an extended period of time? Anyone that has spent more than a few hours without power knows how frustrating this can be. You need to have a plan for how you are going to provide power to your home that is independent of the power company.

Protect your home or business with a new fully automatic standby generator. Maintain your security system, lighting and air conditioning to keep your family or business safe and comfortable through any power outage

Enjoy the total peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a constant and reliable power supply for your home or business in with a standby generator from Alternate Power Solutions. From everyday necessities like heating, cooling, refrigeration and lights, to daily essentials like cooking, laundry or kids bath times. Power outages are occurring more frequently than ever and lasting longer with devastating effects.

Stand up to unpredictable weather and unforeseen outages with the most trusted name in residential standby power with backup generators for homes. If the power ever goes out, your General standby generator goes on – automatically – protecting you and your home 24/7.

#13 Have Blankets And Warm Clothing On Hand

This is more for emergency situations or for a complete meltdown of society. During any major crisis, blankets and warm clothing are in great demand. They also could potentially make great barter items.

#14 Store Personal Hygiene Supplies

A lot of preppers store up huge amounts of food, but they forget all about personal hygiene supplies. During a long crisis, these are items that you would greatly miss if you do not have them stored up. These types of supplies would also be great for barter.

#15 Store Medicine And Medical Supplies

You will also want to store up medical supplies and any medicine that you may need. In an emergency situation, you definitely would not want to be without bandages and a first-aid kit. Over the course of a long crisis, you do not want to run out of any medicines that are critical for your health.

Inside thisdocument you will discover how the pioneers from the Wild West hunteddeer and how they tanned hides without chemicals and without spending a dime.You’ll also find out how to butcher a deer and what parts are best for certainpreservation methods.

LostWay 2 – second edition show you how to use the activated charcoal tobuild yourself a simple and reliable water filter that can clean 800 gallons ofwater.

When all the water is contaminated, and all you can find aremuddy creeks and pools with diseases running rampant you’ll keep your lovedones drinking crystal-clear healthy water. Activated charcoal pills are veryuseful in treating acute food and chemical poisoning too.

Financial martial law ron paul assaulted

#16 Stock Up On Vitamins


A lot of preppers do not think about this either, but it is very important. These days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get adequate nutrition from the foods that we eat. That is why it is very important to have an adequate store of vitamins and other supplements.

#17 Make A List Of Other Supplies That You Will Need

During any crisis, there will be a lot of other things that you will need in addition to food and water. The following are just a few basic things that it would be wise to have on hand…– an axe– a can opener– flashlights– battery-powered radio– extra batteries– lighters or matches– fire extinguisher– sewing kit– toolsThis list could be much, much longer, but hopefully this will get you started.

#18 Don’t Forget The Special Needs Of Your Babies And Your Pets

Young children and pets have special needs. As you store supplies, don’t forget about the things that they will need as well.

Financial Martial Law Ron Paulus

#19 Entertainment

This may sound trivial, but the truth is that our entertainment-addicted society would become very bored and very frustrated if the grid suddenly went down for an extended period of time. Card games and other basic forms of entertainment can make enduring a crisis much easier.

Financial Martial Law Ron Paul

#20 Self-Defense

In the years ahead, being able to defend your home and your family is going to become increasingly important. When the economy crashes, people are going to start to become very desperate. And desperate people do desperate things.

.#21 Get Your Ammunition

While You Still CanYour firearms will not do you much good if you do not have ammunition for them. Already there are widespread reports of huge ammunition shortages. The following is from a recent CNS News article…“The run on ammunition has manufacturers scrambling to accommodate demand and reassure customers, as many new and seasoned gun owners stock up over fears of new firearms regulations at both the state and federal levels.”Don’t just assume that you will always be able to purchase large amounts of ammunition whenever you want. Get it now while you still can.

#22 If You Have To Go…

Have a plan for what you and your family will do if you are forced to leave your home. If you do have to go, the following are some items that you will want to have on hand…– a map of the area– a compass– backpacks for every member of the family– sleeping bags– warm clothing– comfortable shoes or hiking boots

#23 Community

One of the most important assets in any crisis situation is community. If you have friends or neighbors that you can depend upon, that is invaluable. The time spent building those bonds now will pay off greatly during a major crisis.

#24 Have A Back-Up Plan And Be Flexible

Mike Tyson once said the following…“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”No plan ever unfolds perfectly. When your plan is disrupted, what will you do?It will be imperative for all of us to have a back-up plan and to be flexible during the years ahead.

#25 Keep Your Prepping To Yourself

Do not go around and tell everyone in the area where you live about your prepping. If you do, then you may find yourself overwhelmed with “visitors” when everything falls apart.And please do not go on television and brag about your prepping to a national audience.Prepping is something that you want to keep to yourself, unless you want hordes of desperate people banging on your door in the future.For much more on prepping, I would encourage you to check out the dozens of excellent websites out there that teach people advanced prepping techniques for free.So what do you think about all of this?Are you getting prepared for the coming economic depression?

Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)

The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )

Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The bookon building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)

The Lost Ways(Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)

Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)

Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )

Liberty Generator(Build and make your own energy source)

Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)

Bullet Proof Home(A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )

Family Self Defense(Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)

Ron Paul Financial Martial Law

Survive Any Crisis (Best Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)

Survive The End Days(Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)

Drought USA(Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)

Financial Martial Law Ron Paul Wikipedia

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